Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Love This! Love That!

Trust everyone is having a good week so far? Mine has been thus far. I need to take sometime off to get my hair done. I just changed my hairdresser, she's great n all but everrrrytime I go there she wants my hair all neat and tidy in tight curls & I ALWAYS find myself giving her a hug and saying thank you with a big smile on my face ( because i truly appreciate her efforts) but as soon as I get in the car, out comes my hair brush!
Is it just me or do a lot of ladies do this? Pray tell me.
Sorry, i'm talking my own hair here no weave or anything (don't have time to sit for that, takes way too long). I wear my own hair short and like "spunk" but Miss R (my ex-hairdresser) likes hair styles with not one strand left out of place. So, I'm supposed to be going to this new guy who I've heard a lot about, also seen what he's done for my friend A's hair and I love, love love!
Thought I should share some things I love with you guys, here goes...

1. I love Diva Derme Lash Extenders!
Ok so who doesn't want long luxurious lashes? Up your batting average with this fantastic product.
Here's the low down - It's called divaderme lash extenders and its great for us girls who want longer and fuller lashes without the hassle of fixing false lashes. Use it immediately after you apply a coat of mascara, the tiny fibers stick to your wet lashes. The result? dramatically obvious longer & fuller lashes.
I tell you it works wonders! (I use it so I know ).

Available @

2. I Love Shoes!
I see shoes as a work of art, I love wearing shoes that are different and would make people say "look at her shoes".

Have I said I love shoes? Check out Avril Lavigne in Ruthie Davis

3. I love a Good Salad.
My friend O, she's so funny. Well, she came visiting and I thought I had made something really nice for her. I brought out my signature lemon & dill Salmon served with Shrimp & Avocado salad with feta cheese(yum o!, according to Rachel Ray). The next thing, O picks up her phone and without saying a word to me calls our friend F and proceeds to tell her I gave her fish & grass to eat!

Chewy & Delightful Shrimp & Avocado Salad

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